But to the three who never asked to be
A part of this strange world of ours,
Their “natural father” I am, you see.
Long ago, I tossed the chance
To be their “dad” through life’s tough dance,And yet. . .perchance, I still can be
Something in the lives of three
Offspring whom I find I need
More than likely they need me.
Tis not to ponder some dark past;
Try not to wonder why at last;I only know in lives of three
They hold the door, as well, the key.
I know I’ll never be their “dad;”
They’ve got that one and long they’ve had.But I can follow God’s intent
That I believe He shows me now;
And proud I stand to call them mine
And know with them I share bloodline.
And with their forgiveness and consent,
Our futures hold long years well spent.
Perhaps it is “too little too late”
But if reaching out will open some gate. . .I’ll not hesitate.
--Monty Wheeler
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